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Divorce & Family Law

Fredrickson Johnson & Terry, LLC > Services > Divorce & Family Law

Family Law Services

Experienced and Understanding

We provide comprehensive legal services to resolve the issues which may confront you or your family. We are experienced in issues involving dissolution of marriage, legal separation, child custody, child support, paternity and adoption.

Dissolution of Marriage

We understand that going through the dissolution of your marriage (“divorce”) can be emotionally and psychologically stressful.  It is our goal to reduce that stress by providing you with targeted, objective advice aimed at allowing you to resolve your family law issues fairly and in a timely manner. Some of the issues which are involved in the dissolution of marriage process are the following:


Colorado is a “No-Fault” State

Colorado is a “no-fault” state, which means that no specific grounds are necessary to obtain the dissolution of the marriage, and no blame is put upon either spouse for the failure of the marriage. The only requirement is that one of the parties believes that the marriage is irretrievably broken.


Dividing Assets

Generally, property acquired during marriage is considered marital property and is subject to equitable division between the spouses, regardless of in whose name the property is held. Marital property may include: the former marital residence, stocks or mutual funds, retirement plans, bank accounts and tangible property. In a proper circumstance, certain property which you or your spouse brought into the marriage may not be considered marital property – including property acquired by gift or inheritance.


Debts Incurred

Generally, all debts incurred during the course of the marriage are considered to be marital debts, and the court will enter orders allocating the responsibility for the payment of those debts between the parties.


Filing a Petition

You may file for dissolution of your marriage in Colorado even if you were married in another state, provided that one of the parties has lived in Colorado for at least 90 days before the petition is filed.  If there are any jurisdictional issues associated with the circumstances of your case, we will discuss those issues fully at your initial consultation.

In addition to resolving issues of property and debt, the court will address issues of spousal support, parental responsibility, parenting time and child support, including medical support for your children.  The resolution of these issues will be based on your financial circumstances at the time of the entry of the decree and the best interests of your children.

Child Support Services


If you have been awarded a monthly child support award as the result of a dissolution of marriage, legal separation or action for allocation of parental responsibilities, you may have issues associated with the enforcement of the child support award. As with all child-related issues, we understand that the enforcement of child support is emotionally stressful, and it is our goal to provide you with the most objective advice and assistance.


We have the ability to activate income assignments so the money is taken directly from the income of the parent who owes the child support obligation. We can also assist in reducing the past due child support amount to judgments, in bringing contempt actions to enforce the order through the court and in obtaining writs of garnishment to enforce collection.  A review of your existing child support order will enable us to advise you concerning the enforcement and collection remedies which are available. Contact us now if you are in need child support enforcement.


Read child support cases we have been involved in >>



Do You Have a Case With The Child Support Enforcement Unit?

Fredrickson Johnson & Belveal, LLC, has previously represented the Child Support Enforcement Units for El Paso and Teller counties. If you have an active or past case with, or have been a party to an action brought by, the Child Support Enforcement Unit in either El Paso or Teller County, we will need to determine whether we have a conflict in providing child support legal services to you.


If you have a case with the Child Support Enforcement Unit in either El Paso or Teller County and you need information concerning your case, please contact the Child Support Enforcement Unit at the locations provided below.


If you do not currently have, or have not in the past had, a case with either the El Paso or Teller County Child Support Unit which does not create a conflict for us, and you need legal services in connection with the establishment or enforcement of child support or child support arrears, we will be pleased to discuss your case with you.

Child Support Enforcement Units


El Paso County Child Support Enforcement Unit

30 E. Pikes Peak,
Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Main Number: (719)457-6331
Toll Free: (866)270-2606




Teller County Child Support Enforcement Unit

18401 E. Highway 24
P. O. Box 6688
Woodland Park, CO 80863

Main Number: 719-686-5515
